/**/ /**/


Mencuri Data-Data Milik Pengguna FLASHDISK

. 11.30.2008

Sebenar nya sih ini hal yang ngak baik,karena mencuri itu adalah perbuatan yang sangat tercela,ya udah deh gini ja dosa kita tanggung masing-masing ja ya... sebenarnya sih ini cuman buat pembelajaran aja.

Karena FlashDISK merupakan media penyimpanan portable yang kini makin banyak digunakan oleh para pengguna komputer di Indonesia. Selain harganya yang makin murah, kapasitasnya pun kian besar dengan ukuran fisik yang kian mini dari generasi ke generasi ;)

Nah, biasanya nich, orang seringkali akan menyimpan data-data sensitifnya di dalam flashdisk. Dan tak jarang, seseorang menyimpan PASSWORD account-accountnya pada suatu file teks yang disimpan dalam FlashDISK.
Anda mengincar target yang demikian? caranya cukup mudah. Alat dan bahan yang perlu anda persiapkan adalah:
ThumbsuCK.exe - download secara cuma-cuma

cara penggunaan nya juga mudah:
Setelah anda mendownloadnya, copy ThumbSUCK.exe kedalam suatu directory tersembunyi. Misalnya saja anda letakkan di Local Drive D:\. Buatlah suatu directory dengan atribut SUPER HIDDEN agar korban tidak curiga.
klu udah dibuat super hidden cara jalanin nya ya tinggal di double klik ja thumbSUCK.exe nya,sekarang coba deh tes masukin flasdisk kamu,,
data udah langsung terkopi ke direktori dimana kamu buat tadi...
sekarang gimana masih mau lanjut,TAPI,,
kamu harus tau .....MENCURI ITU DOSA.....




Computer virus

. 11.25.2008

A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. The term "virus" is also commonly used, albeit erroneously, to refer to many different types of malware and adware programs. The original virus may modify the copies, or the copies may modify themselves, as occurs in a metamorphic virus. A virus can only spread from one computer to another when its host is taken to the uninfected computer, for instance by a user sending it over a network or the Internet, or by carrying it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, or USB drive. Meanwhile viruses can spread to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer. Viruses are sometimes confused with computer worms and Trojan horses. A worm can spread itself to other computers without needing to be

transferred as part of a host, and a Trojan horse is a file that appears harmless. Worms and Trojans may cause harm to either a computer system's hosted data, functional performance, or networking throughput, when executed. In general, a worm does not actually harm either the system's hardware or software, while at least in theory, a Trojan's payload may be capable of almost any type of harm if executed. Some can't be seen when the program is not running, but as soon as the infected code is run, the Trojan horse kicks in. That is why it is so hard for people to find viruses and other malware themselves and why they have to use spyware programs and registry processors.




Rossi and Ferrari celebrate at Mugello

. 11.23.2008

MotoGP world champion Valentino Rossi made his comeback behind the wheel of a Ferrari on Thursday as he began a two-day test - purely for fun - at the Italian team’s Mugello circuit. Rossi’s car was fitted with his famous number 46 to mark the occasion, as both parties celebrated their victorious 2008 seasons.

Rossi is no stranger to Formula One power, having previously tested with Ferrari in 2005 and 2006 at Fiorano, Mugello and Valencia, and after 320 kilometres in the F2008 it was clear he hadn’t lost his touch, with some impressive lap times, the best a 1m 22.55s.

"I'm really happy that I had this possibility and I want to thank President Luca di Montezemolo and (Ferrari team principal) Stefano Domenicali for it," said Rossi at the end of the day. "Driving a Ferrari Formula One car on a track like Mugello is something fantastic and incredible.



The YZR - M1


Yamaha YZR-M1 Specifications:

Engine:Liquid cooled inline four-cylinder, four stroke, six speed gearbox.

Capacity: 799cc

Max. Power: 210 hp

Max. Speed: 320 kmh+

Dry Weight: 148kg

Tyres: Lorenzo- 16.0″ front, 16.5″ rear Michelin

Rossi- 16.5″ front & rear Bridgestone



Best Cristiano Ronaldo Clips

. 11.19.2008



My Electronic Diary


Setiap orang pasti punya rahasia, kenangan dan masalah dalam hidup. Nah, Diary biasanya menjadi tempat pelampiasan untuk menumpahkan itu semua supaya beban hidup menjadi sedikit ringan.
Ini nich salah satu Diary Electronic yang mulai banyak digunakan belakangan ini. "My Electronic Diary" dari caberawit.com. akan saya berikan sedikit panduan penggunaannya bagi yang dah ngerti dilewatin aja ntr malah mati kebosanan lagi….kekekek..:

Download programnya di sini!. Extractlah file zip nya di tempat yang (menurut anda) aman. Klik ganda File e-Diary.exe File tersebut boleh anda rename sesuka hati.

2. Klik tombol Buka lalu klik tombol Klik disini untuk login.

3. Isikan nama, alamat email dan password yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk mengakses diary tersebut lalu klik isi DIARY.
4. Nah, kini anda bisa mengisi cerita-cerita anda.. klik SIMPAN sesudahnya ;)

Nah, jika nantinya ada orang lain (entah teman atau saudara anda) yang membuka diary tersebut, My Electronic Diary akan meminta Password untuk bisa mengaksesnya sehingga rahasia anda akan tetap terjaga dengan aman.

Jika My Electronic Diary dipindahkan dari tempat dimana kamu letakkan yg menurut kamu aman tadi,ya,,,siap2 aja isi diary kesayangan anda hilang……




CorelDRAW is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by Corel Corporation of Ottawa, Canada. It is also the name of Corel's Graphics Suite. Its latest version, named X4 (actually version 14), was released in January 2008.

Supported platforms

CorelDRAW was originally developed for Microsoft Windows and currently runs on Windows XP and Windows Vista.[1] The current version is X4 released (ver. on 22nd of January, 2008.

Versions for Mac OS and Mac OS X were at one time available, but due to poor sales these are now discontinued. The last port for Linux was version 9 (released in 2000, it didn't run natively, instead it used a modified version of Wine to run) and the last version for OS X was version 11 (released in 2001). Also, up until version 5, CorelDRAW was developed for Windows 3.1x and OS/2.

Baca selengkap nya..



Bermain-bermain dengan google

. 11.17.2008

Sebagai mesin pencari no 1 di dunia maya saat ini...google sangat sering sekali digunakan oleh pengguna internet sebagai search engine terlengkap..anda bisa mencari apapun disini mulai dari informasi berita,pengetahuan,gosip dan masih banyak lagi..pokoknya bisa diibaratkan sebagai all in one..tapi ada beberapa rahasia yang tersimpan didalam google yang bisa kita buka dengan memasukkan kata kunci rahasia..ini hanya sebagai joke saja

nah masukan kata kunci ini di address bar:

3.google bs
4.google linux
5.google easter egg

ini ada yang lebih seru lagi...saat anda akan mencari image di google,anda bisa membuat seluaruh gambar disana bergoyang goyang...caranya buka google lalu pilih image..masukkan nama gambar..terserah apa aja...lalu klik search
setelah semua gambar terbuka...copy code berikut di address bar dan tekan enter

1.membuat gambar naik turun

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.mkssddddddddddd=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5; DIS.top=Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

2.membuat gambar muter muter

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.right=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5; DIS.top=Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

Selamat menikmati!!!

ok selamat mencoba.....
jangan pernah menyerah cari terus solusi nya.......


Basic DOS commands


Dalam menggunakan Dos diperlukan pemahaman tentang perintah perintah untuk menjalankan Dos..untuk masuk ke Dos sendiri cukup klik run-cmd-enter...baik sekaranga akan saya berikan beberapa perintah yang dapat anda gunakan dalam Dos

1.cd :Pindah direktori.misalnya cd windows,untuk pindah ke direktori windows

Meng-copy file

3.copy file1.txt filebaru.txt
Meng-copy file1.txt, nama file hasil copy-an adalah filebaru.txt. Jadi akan terdapat file1.txt dan filebaru.txt dengan isi yang sama. Ganti file1.txt dan filebaru.txt dengan nama file yang akan Anda copy

4.copy file1.txt c:\data
Mengcopy file1.txt ke directory data pada drive C (nama file hasil copy-an adalah file1.txt)

5.copy file1.txt c:\data\filebaru.txt
Meng-copy file1.txt ke directory data dengan nama file hasil copy-an filebaru.txt

6.dir (menampilkan file dan direktory)

7.dir d: (membuka file di direktori d)

8.dir /w
Menampilkan file dan directory secara "singkat" (cuma menampilkan nama file atau directory saja, tidak ada keterangan ekstensi, ukuran file, tanggal dan jam)

Mengganti nama file

10.ren filelama.txt filebaru.txt
Mengganti nama file filelama.txt menjadi filebaru.txt

itu tadi adalah perintah umum yang dipakai dalam Dos..sekarang saya akan memberikan perintah perintah dasar dalam Dos.

ATTRIB Perintah eksternal. Untuk melihat/mengubah atribut file
CLS Perintah internal. Untuk menghapus layar monitor
COPY Perintah internal. Untuk mengcopi file
DEL Perintah internal. Untuk menghapus file
DIR Perintah internal. Untuk melihat daftar file/folder di folder/direktori tertentu
MD Perintah internal. Untuk membuat direktori/folder baru
RD Perintah internal. Untuk menghapus folder (folder kosong)
REN Perintah internal. Untuk mengubah nama file/folder
TYPE Perintah internal. Untuk melihat isi file

EDIT Perintah eksternal. Untuk mengedit file teks (interaktif)
FDISK Perintah eksternal. Untuk melihat/mengubah/membuat partisi harddisk
FORMAT Perintah eksternal. Untuk memformat disket/harddisk
MORE Untuk mencegah tampilan menggulung terus-menerus
SYS Eksternal apa internal ya? Yang jelas untuk membuat disket/harddisk jadi bootable

Melihat daftar file/folder dalam direktori/folder tertentu
DIR (tanpa parameter)

Melihat daftar file saja
DIR /a-d

Melihat daftar folder saja
DIR /ad

Melihat daftar file yang tersembunyi
DIR /a-dh

Melihat daftar folder yang tersembunyi
DIR /adh

Melihat daftar file/folder yang tersembunyi
DIR /ah

Jika suatu kali komputer anda terserang virus dan tiba tiba semua data anda lenyap,jangan khwatir karena sebenrnya virus tidak pernah menghapus data yang ada mereka hanya menyembuyikan data anda disuatu tempat yang tidak kita ketahui.ada cara untuk memunculkan kembali data data tersebut dengan menggunakan perintah Dos.

pertama kali kita harus membuka file apa saja yang tersembunyi..dengan cara:

Melihat daftar folder saja
DIR /ad

Melihat daftar file yang tersembunyi
DIR /a-dh

Melihat daftar folder yang tersembunyi
DIR /adh

Melihat daftar file/folder yang tersembunyi
DIR /ah

setelah kita mengetahui file apa saja yang tersenbunyi,kita tinggal melihat attribut file file tersebut.caranya:

Untuk mengetahui daftar parameter untuk perintah "ATTRIB", ketikkan "ATTRIB /?".

Melihat attribut file/folder
Format umum: ATTRIB namafile
Contoh: ATTRIB readme.txt
Untuk melihat attribut dari beberapa file/folder, gunakan wildcards character (*) pada namafile.
setelah tau attribut file tersebut,kita tinggal mengubah attribut file tersebut,caranya:

Mengubah attribut file/folder
ATTRIB daftaratribut namafile
Daftar atribut yang valid: H, R, S
Gunakan tanda '-' di depan kode attribut untuk menonaktifkan atribut tertentu, gunakan tanda '+' untuk mengaktifkan atribut tertentu.

Contoh pemakaian:
Mengubah atribut file README.TXT menjadi hidden

Mengaktifkan atribut hidden sekaligus atribut system pada file README.TXT

Menon aktifkan attribut hidden, read-only dan system pada semua file dalam direktori aktif (current directory). Kombinasi atribut ini dapat digunakan untuk memunculkan kembali file-file yang 'disembunyikan', misalnya sebagai dampak infeksi virus ke komputer:
langkah pertama adalah kamu harus masuk ke direktori yg ingin kamu attrib,misalkan saya ingin mengatrib direktori H,jadi saya harus menuliskan cd H: >>>enter
selanjutkan ketik kan seperti ini
ATTRIB -s -h /s /d

ok selamat mencoba.....
jangan pernah menyerah cari terus solusi nya.......


Setting Firefox


siapa yang ngak kenal sama browser satu ini,
untuk mengoptimalkan kan kinerja si rubah satu ini agar lebih cepat,penulis punya sedikit tips,mungkin cara ini udah kuno kali ya,,

1. ketik "about:config" pada address bar dan tekan enter. turunkan scroll kebawah dan cari entries berikut :


Secara normal browser akan membuat satu request untuk satu halaman web dalam satu kali . ketika kamu enable pipelining, itu akan membuat beberapa halaman dalam sekali. dan akan mempercepat page loading

2. rubah entries berikut menjadi :

Set "network.http.pipelining" menjadi "true"

Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" menjadi "true"

set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" menjadi nilai seperti "30". ini artinya akan membuat 30 request dalam sekali.

3.terakhir klik kiri (dimana saja) select New-> Integer. masukan "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" pada prefence name, kemudia set nilai menjadi "0".

atau kalo ngga mau repot masuk ke sini
di kotak search for add-ons ketikkan Fasterfox
penulis sendiri menggunakan Fasterfox lite....
terserah pada anda mau menggunakan yang mana,sesuai dengan selera masing-masing ja deh...

jika anda belum memiliki firefox anda bisa kunjungi websate ini www.filehippo.com



Install OS to hard disk sata

. 11.16.2008

Apakah Anda tahu, saat ini hard disk terdiri dari 2 tipe: ATA dan SATA. Hard disk ATA adalah hard disk biasa, sedangkan hard disk SATA adalah hard disk tipe baru (next generation). SATA adalah singkatan dari SERIAL ATA. Hard disk SATA lebih tipis dan lebih cepat dibandingkan hard disk ATA, tetapi cara penggunaannya sama.Sekarang yang jadi permasalahan nya ialah menginstal OS ke hardisk SATA tersebut.

kenapa??,untuk menginstal OS di hardisk SATA kita ngak bisa menggunakan metode yang sering kita pake untuk install pada hardisk ATA, ya jelas ja beda lah om.....

nah untuk itu lah saya membuat artikel ini,,
sebenar nya sih banyak cara untuk menginstal OS di SATA, contoh dengan menggunakan flopy disk,mang masaih da yang jual tu barang??????...

ya ngak tau juga sih, mudah-mudahan masih ada x....

itusih metode cara lama,kayak nya metode tu sangat ribet and repot....pot....pot..pot...
mau ngak repot ya dah tidur ja sana.....
hidup ko mau enak trus....

ok deh kita persingkat ja.....

untuk persiapan anda harus melengkapi persiapan berikut:

1.net framework2
3.draver sata
5.cd master XP
6.Pc/laptop harus memiliki cd-room rw/dvd-room rw

gimana dah dilengkapi persaratan nya, langkah pertama yang harus anda lakukan adalah menginstall netframework(aplikasi ini di instal jika nLite meminta nya),and jika dah clear lanjutkan dengan install nlite,persiapan selesai..

ok sabar, nah sekarang kita masuk pada inti dari semua nya baik lah saya akan menerangkan gimana cara menggunakan applikasi nLIte ini:

1. Jalankan aplikasi nLite,jika berhasil akan muncul form seperti pada gambar berikut,pada form ini kita disuruh untuk memilih bahasa,silahkan deh pilih bahasa yang anda ingin kan, untuk tutorial ini saya memilih bahasa english,kalau dah nemu bahasa yang cocok kayak beli baju klik ja tombol next.sebelum masuk ke langkah berikut nya masukin dulu cd MASTER XP(terserah mau XP berapa aja).

2. Di form ini kita diharuskan mencari lokasi CD OS Windows Xp dengan menekan browse misalkan letak nya ada di drave F: ya udah di blok aja tu drave nya. Tekan tombol ok.

3. jika muncul pesan seperti di bawah ini, itu arti nya anda di minata untuk menentukan di mana harus menyimpan hasil kopian OS nya tadi, di OK in aja.

nah tentukan lokasi dimana harus menyimpan hasil copy OS nya hasil kopiannya harus dimasukan ke dalam satu folder, ya buat menjaga kerapian aja.

4. jika udah menentukan di mana tempat penyimpanan hasil dari kopian OS tadi, aplikasi akan otomatis melakukan copy ke file yang anda telah tentukan, nah di tunggu ja ya sampai proses copy nya selesai, klu dah selesai tinggal klik lagi deh tombol next.

5. Form yang ini di cuekin aja....next

6. Nah di form ini kan ada banyak pilihan tu, kita pilih yang Driver & Bootable Iso, next.....

7. form ini berfungsi untuk memasukan driver sata nya, pada tombol insert pilah yang singel driver. nah jika tampil seperti form yang kedua, lu cari dimana kamu nyimpen Draver sata nya, kalau dah ketemu cari file yang nama nya iastor.inf, lalu open nah secara otomatis anda akan diantar kan ke form yang no 3 dibawah ini lakukan configurasi seperti berikut pilih textmode draver lalu blok semua file yang ada kalau dah tekan ja ok.




8.oh ya lupa pada point no 7,lupa nyuruh nekan tombol next, nah pada form ini,seperti gambar di bawah ini, ya udah nunggu apa lagi tekan tombol yes nya, tunggu ampe proses selesai,....next

9. akhir nya kita udah 80% ampir kelar, ok di form ini pada pilihan mode nya silahkan pilih Direct burn, oh ya cd master XP nya dah bisa di keluarin, and cd-r(kosong) bisa lu masukin. nah untuk mulai proses pembakaran cd klik ja tombol burn, tunggu ja sampai proses nya kelar,,itu tanda nya kelar juga deh kerjaan kita,,,,,

nah kalau proses burnning nya dah kelar,sekarang kita bisa melakukan instalasi OS dengan cd buatan kita sendiri, untuk laptop/pc yang kita inginkan, jangan lupa pada bios setting cd-room pada first booting ok.......

jika anda belum memiliki netframework2 & Nlite nya anda bisa kunjungi websate ini
www.filehippo.com atau bisa langsung download nlite & download netframework2
untuk driver sata nya bisa di download disini (compaq presario v3000).

ok selamat mencoba.....
jangan pernah menyerah cari terus solusi nya.......


Serial number


nah bagi teman2 yang punya aplikasi dan ngak da serial number nya....
dah usaha tuk nyarik tu serial number, yang dapet malah virus bukan nya serial number...
nah ni da aplikasi ntuk nyarik tu serial number and bisa juga tuk nyarik crak nya......
and yang paling penting ni aplikasi dijamin bebas yang nama nya virus, ngak seperti disitus2 yang nyedia in serial number lain nya, biasa nya di situs yang nyediain buat dapetin serial number tu..,
pasti da virus nya....

tampilan nya seperti ini....

nah cara make nya pun sangat mudah,,,
tinggal masukin ja keyword yang mau di cari di kolum search and pilih kategori yang mau di cari, mau nyarik serial number nya ato crack kan nya....
ya udah tinggal klik ja search....
lu tunggu deh...

mau nyobak bisa di Download disini


Super hidden


Untuk menyembunyikan folder dan file yang anda anggap sangat penting dan sangat pribadi. Ada sedikit trik bagi yang suka privacy githu. Pada dasarnya sangat mudah namun bagi pemula kayak saya biasanya agak-agak serem buat kenalan sama apa yang namanya bahasa pemrograman DOS (Command Prompt). Anda tahu sendiri "Image" yang sudah terbentuk di dalam diri "DOS" yaitu latar belakangnya hitam kelam.he he..pada dasarnya bahasa pemrograman yang berlaku di lingkungan DOS tidak begitu menyeramkan dan menurut saya cukup mudah dipelajari,kaalau kesusahan gunainya tinggal minta bantuan ja caranya ketik ja help pasti deh akan sangat membantu.....

Oke sekarang bagaimana caranya untuk menyembunyikan folder dengan memanfaatkan bahasa pemrograman DOS? ada yang tahu,,ooowww jangan salah pasti sudah banyak yang tahu. tapi berdasarkan pengalaman saya masih banyak juga yang belum tahu trik ini.
Yang perlu anda persiapkan adalah file atau folder yang ingin anda sembunyikan dan sebuah komputer yang memakai sistem operasi windows tentunya. Sekarang kita mulai....
pertama kita musti menghidupkan komputer terlebih dahulu..ini penting bro, kalau komputer kita mati lebih baik kita tidur..iya kagak??
kalau semuanya sudah tampak dan sudah hidup, fokuskan pandangan anda pada menu Start-Run. Pada kotak dialog Run yang Folder Super Hidden...
muncul ketik "cmd" tanpa tanda petik.
klik "ok" atau tekan enter. maka akan muncul jendela command prompt

Cari direktori dimana folder atau file yang hendak kita sembunyikan berada. misalnya folder pribadi saya bernama "tes" terletak di drive "D" pada direktori "Eddie".
maka hal pertama yang harus anda lakukan adalah pindah drive dari drive "C" ke drive "D" dengan mengetik "D:" tanpa tanda petik kemudian tekan enter,udah lum.....

klu udah....

Karena folder yang hendak kita sembunyikan (disini saya mengambil contoh folder tes) berada pada folder "eddie" maka kita harus masuk terlebih dahulu ke dalam folder "eddie". bagaimana caranya???lho kok nanya ciii.. bgini critanya,...he he he..just kidding bro
caranya dengan mengetik "cd" diikuti nama foldernya

contoh : cd eddie

Yupss kita sudah berada pada area yang berbahaya bro. folder "tes" yang akan kita sembunyikan berada pada area ini. maka trik inti kita yaitu dengan memberi attribut sistem dan hidden atau bahasa gaulnya super hidden pada folder kita. lho kok atributnya harus super hidden seh?? yup pertanyaan bagus, begini ceritanya.. apabila kita memberi attribut sistem dan hidden maka folder tersebut tidak akan bisa terlihat, walaupun dengan cara yang lazim kita lakukan yaitu lewat "tools-folder options-view" kemudian beri tanda pada "Show hidden files and folders",, semua usaha itu sia-sia. folder yang sudah diberi attribut tersebut tidak akan terlihat. super hidden bro...
Otree sekarang bagaimana caranya??
kita lanjutkan..tadi kita telah sampai pada area folder "eddie", sebagai pengingat folder "tes" berada pada folder ini. untuk memberikan attribut pada folder "tes" caranya cukup ketik "attrib +s +h tes" kemudian tekan enter.

sekarang coba cari folder "tes" di windows explorer..apa yang terjadi??menghilang bukan??

untuk mengembalikan folder "tes" menjadi terlihat lagi maka kita cukup mengganti simbol "+" menjadi "-".

selamat mencoba.......

baca juga:
1. Command Prompt Basic


Disable autorun flashdisk


Pada flash disc yang terkena virus biasanya (tidak selalu) terdapat file autorun.info yang di dalamnya terdapat perintah untuk menjalankan program virus. Nah, ketika flash disc tersebut dimasukkan ke drive USB yang fitur autorun-nya tidak di-disable maka secara otomatis Windows akan menjalankan program pada background tanpa adanya konfirmasi kepada user.

Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi resiko terkena virus tersebut adalah dengan mendisable fitur autorun pada drive USB. Ada pun caranya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Klik tombol Start - Run.
2. Ketik gpedit.msc dan tekan OK.
3. Klik pada User Configuration - Administrative Templates - System.
4. Klik 2x pada Turn Off Autoplay.
5. Klik pada option Enable.
6. Pada option Turn off Autoplay on, pilih All drives.
7. Klik OK.
8. Selesai.


Mengubah gambar/foto berwarna menjadi sketsa( Sketch Studio v2.5)


nah bagi anda yang suka ngedit foto...
nih da software yang bisa ngerubah foto anda menjadi sketsa realis,seolah digambar pakai pensil, bulpoint,
Emboss, Water Color, dll...
seru nih kayak na....

foto sebelum di edit:

foto sesudah diedit:

gimana hasil nya bagus ngak....,
bukan cewek nya,
wah pasti otak nya dah pada ngeres nih...
klau cewek nya sih mang dah cantik,,,,
maksud nya hasil nya cui....

Pengen coba Sketch studio? download disini....


Advanced IP Address Calculator


pusing nih gimana caranya nentuin network type/class dari suatu ip....

mau ngitung ngak tau caranya....
mau nanyak,,,
ngak tau harus nanyak sapa....

soal nya yang mau ditanyak banyak amat.....
mau nanyak netmask nya berapa?
host nya berapa...?
trus klu IP nya di ubah menjadi binary hasilnya berapa...?

banyak amat tu pertanyaan......
sapa yang mau jelasin.....

tenang mbah da solusi nya....

dah kayak paranormal ja nih...
trus mbah gimana cara nya....

ma aku mbah mu.....
dah main dukun-dukunan nya...
nyok kita coba ja ni programnya...

langkah pertama yang harus kamu lakukan adalah download sofhware nya.....

klik disini....

klu udah jalankan deh tu barang nya....
kamu tinggal masukin ja IP nya pada kolom pojok kiri atas...
dengan sekejap kamu dah dapat tu semua jawabannya....
mudah kan.....

semudah gitu...
selamat mencoba deh......bye



Adobe Photoshop Tool Tips

. 11.13.2008

Free Transform Tips:
To bring up Free Transform, press Command-T (PC: Control-T). Here is how the Free Transform tool works:

* To Scale (resize) an object visually, just grab one of the corner and drag in or out. Hold down the Shift key as you drag to keep your image proportional.

* To Rotate an object, just move your cursor outside the bounding box and the cursor changes to a two-headed arrow which enables you to free rotate.

* To Distort an object, hold the Command key (Control key on a PC) and grab any corner and drag.

* To Skew an object, hold both the Option-Command keys (Alt-Control on a PC) and drag a corner left or right to Skew.

* For change the Perspective of an object, hold Shift-Option-Command (Shift-Alt-Control for a PC) and drag a corner up or down, left or right.

# If all these commands seem too confusing (and frankly it is a bit hard to keep them all straight) you can always just hold the Control key and click anywhere (or on PC, just rightclick) and a pop-up list of transformations will appear, and you can choose the one your looking for. When you do, the bounding box doesn't change, but the cursor changes to the right one for the transformation you selected. You can now just click and drag away!

# Rotate and Crop at the Same Time:
When you are using the Crop tool, you can rotate while you crop by just moving your cursor outside the bounding box that appears around your image when you choose the crop tool. You will see that your cursor temporarily changes into a double-headed arrow, which enables you to freely rotate your object. When it's rotated just the way you like it, you have two choices: Double-click inside the bounding box, or just press Return to make the rotation permanent.

# How to Cancel a Crop:
If you are using the Crop tool and decide you don't want to crop the image after all, just click once on the Crop tool icon in the tool palette. A dialog box will appear giving you the option to "Crop" or "Don't Crop.

# Editing Gradients:
To bring up the Gradient Editor, get the Gradient Tool, then click on the current Gradient up in the Options Bar. To create your own custom gradient, click below the color bar to add another color to the gradient. To assign either the foreground or background color to this new color, click the "F" marker for foreground, or the "B" marker for background. To choose a different color altogether, just click on the rectangular swatch next to the F and B markers and the Color picker will appear, enabling you to choose any color you'd like. To delete a color, click and drag down to the bottom of the palette; it will disappear. To drag out an existing copy of a color already in the gradient, just Option-drag it (Alt-drag on a PC.)

# Get the Zoom Temporarily:
To temporarily switch any tool you are working with to the Magnifying Glass tool, just hold the Command-Spacebar (Control-Spacebar on a PC).

# Tip for working while zoomed in close:
To temporarily switch any tool you are working with to the Grabber Hand, just hold the spacebar. Perfect for navigating while zoomed in close, because the Scroll Bars move too far, and are too unpredictable when zoomed in.

# Get the Eyedropper Any Time You are Painting:
If you have any paint tool (Brush, Airbrush, Pencil, Eraser, etc.) you can temporarily switch to the Eyedropper tool (used for sampling any existing color from a image) you can just hold the Option key (Alt-key on a PC).

# Toggle Through The Tool Palette:
To instantly switch to the Rectangular Marquee tool just press "M". To get the Elliptical (circular) Marquee tool, just press Shift-M.
To get the Crop tool (you have missed this tool have not you?) just press "C".

To toggle through the Pen tools press Shift-P to toggle between the Pen tool, the Magnetic Pen tool, and the Freeform Pen Tool. To get the Add Anchor Point Pen press the "+" (plus) key. To get the Delete Anchor Point Pen press the "-" (minus) key. Press the letter "A" to get the Direct Selection tool, and unfortunately there is no keyboard shortcut to get the Convert Point tool.

The rest are pretty obvious (E for Eraser, B for Brush, T for Type, etc.) with the exception of:

* "I" for eyedropper
* "K" for Paint Bucket (You don't really use this tool, do you?)
* "N" for the Line tool
* "O" for the Burn tool
* "R" for Blur tool (Should have been R for Rubber Stamp)
* "U" for Smudge tool
* "Y" for Pencil tool




. 11.12.2008

A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions.

The first devices that resemble modern computers date to the mid-20th century (1940–1945), although the computer concept and various machines similar to computers existed earlier. Early electronic computers were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers(PC).[1] Modern computers are based on tiny integrated circuits and are millions to billions of times more capable while occupying a fraction of the space.[2] Today, simple computers may be made small enough to fit into a wristwatch and be powered from a watch battery. Personal computers, in various forms, are icons of the Information Age and are what most people think of as "a computer"; however, the most common form of computer in use today is the embedded computer. Embedded computers are small, simple devices that are used to control other devices — for example, they may be found in machines ranging from fighter aircraft to industrial robots, digital cameras, and children's toys.

The ability to store and execute lists of instructions called programs makes computers extremely versatile and distinguishes them from calculators. The Church–Turing thesis is a mathematical statement of this versatility: any computer with a certain minimum capability is, in principle, capable of performing the same tasks that any other computer can perform. Therefore, computers with capability and complexity ranging from that of a personal digital assistant to a supercomputer are all able to perform the same computational tasks given enough time and storage capacity.


Bad Hacker, Good Hacker


Good hackers go to heaven, bad hackers go everywhere. But who are these hackers and what is so bad or so good about them? What do they do? Where do they go? Trying to answer these questions raises even more. Consider the following recent incidences.

The Code Red Worm started its attack around July 13th, burrowing into a known “hole” or “vulnerability” in the web-server software from Microsoft (called IIS). The worm compromised the servers and defaced web sites by replacing the contents with a page that proclaimed “Hacked by Chinese”. Code Red not only defaced web sites, but also injected programs into the compromised servers that started attacking the US President’s web site, using a “Distributed Denial of Service” (or DDoS) attack. The DDoS attack is a particularly heinous gimmick that uses hundreds of thousands of compromised computers to simultaneously send a flood of spurious messages to a particular web site. This flood causes the computers at the attacked site to get bogged down, and unable to function normally. Again on August 1st, the worm reappeared and caused plenty of woes.

Dmitry Sklyarov is a 26-year-old Russian citizen and a Ph.D. student who studies cryptography. He also works for a Russian company called Elmcomsoft, and is the main developer of a software system called the “Advanced eBook Processor”. The AeBP software breaks the so-called secure encryption built into electronic books (an invention of Adobe Systems). Dmitry arrived in the United States as an invited speaker, to talk to a rather large group of computer security experts at a conference called DEFCON, in Las Vegas. After his speech, federal agents acting on a tip-off by Adobe Systems stormed his hotel room (on July 17th) and arrested him for violating US laws on hacking. He is in jail.

Carnegie Mellon University had a team of very dedicated people who worked on deflecting attacks on computer systems. This team was known as the “Computer Emergency Response Team”, but now is called the CERT Coordination Center. The CERT delves into the inner mechanisms of worms and viruses, figuring out how each one works and how to stop the spread. CERT sends out immediate bulletins to millions of subscribers as soon as a naughty bug is detected. Similar groups of people exist at universities and organizations who purposely hack into systems, dissect software and uncover vulnerabilities. They publish their findings urging software manufacturers to plug the holes.

Software that messes up computer systems are called viruses and worms. The people who play with these things are often called “hackers”. Code Red is one of thousands of worms unleashed on the Internet. The designers of Code Red are bad hackers and are criminals. The CERT people and their ilk are the good hackers who provide a valuable service to the community.

Dmirty is also a hacker, who probably did no harm. He invented a way of defeating the encryption on the eBook system. The encryption was broken to start with (bad design). Dmitry’s crime was that he told people how to break the encryption at his conference speech. While free speech is protected in the US, a sinister law called the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), makes it illegal to distributed methods for breaking security on copyrighted material. Hence, Dmitry is technically a criminal, but hopefully, the law will be found to be grossly overbearing.

The word “hacker” has a checkered past. Originally the word was coined to mean an “extreme programmer”. Normal programmers write programs that do normal things. Hackers are very sharp people with a deeper understanding of how computers work and can write programs that do things programs are not supposed to do. Programmers can make computers compute, hackers can make a computer sing, dance and fly—or crash.

After the antics of some destructive hackers were publicly known, the news media started calling those destructive people “hackers”. The hacker community was quite upset. “Hackers are good people”, they cried. “These criminals should be called crackers”. However, the damage was done, today, hacker means a bad person, who writes programs designed to cause harm.

Worms and viruses are the infections of the computer world. The worm is a self-contained, replicating program that burrows its way from computer to computer, causing harm. A virus is a program fragment that needs to attach itself to a host program in order to live. Once a virus attaches itself, then it can replicate and travel and cause harm. As for the effects they can cause, worms and viruses are identical.

In theory, worms and viruses cannot exist. Computer operating systems are designed such that external programs cannot be injected into them. But obviously this is not true. The first Internet Worm was written almost by accident. A graduate student at MIT, called Robert Morris, thought he had found a flaw in the way Email software works. He then wrote a program to exploit the flaw and to test his hypothesis. His program sent messages over the Internet to every machine it could find and made these machines send more messages over the Internet. Of course, general consensus was that writing such programs are not possible, because one machine cannot make another machine do something it is not supposed to do.

But Morris was right. His program worked better than he had imagined. It clogged up the entire Internet on November 2, 1988 (at this point the Internet had less than a thousand machines connected to it). Of course no one knew how to stop the worm from spreading, as no one had ever seen anything like that. So the fix was drastic, all the machines on the Internet were shut off and rebooted. That killed the Morris worm. For trying this experiment, Morris went to jail.

Morris had invented the “Buffer Overflow Attack”, the same technique used by the Code Red worm. This technique works as follows. Suppose a computer connected to the Internet is waiting to receive a message—it expects a message of maybe 10 words. We send it a humongous message—several million words long. The computer stores the message and then looks at it. However, while storing the message, the faulty software did not check to see if there was enough free memory. So the message ended up being stored on top of programs that were already in the computer memory (overwriting these programs). Subsequently when the computer tried to execute some of the now overwritten programs, it ends up executing the contents of the long message. This causes the sender of the message to obtain complete control of what the computer executes.

Over the years the hackers have found, invented, perfected and finessed a whole slew of innovative tricks to fool the protections built into the computer operating systems. Before the days of the Internet, the viruses were “boot-sector” viruses. These program fragments lived on diskettes, and when the diskette was put into a machine, attached themselves into some part of the operating system. Subsequently, any diskette written on the infected machine carried the virus. Then came macro viruses, using the programming language built into MS Word. An innocuous document is mailed to a user who opens it, and the macro in the document comes to life and damages the computer. Even maybe sends itself out via email from the victim’s computer. Quite easy to write, but also quite insidious. Then came many more Email viruses and worms that used a plethora of tricks called “Trojan Horses”. A complete documentation of the types and techniques would fill volumes.

Finally, today, the virus writing state of the art has become really sophisticated. Any kid with a computer can find a “phreaking” site, that is, a web site run by senior hackers who want to tell everyone how to cause trouble. These sites have complete explanations of how to write viruses along with pre-written programs. All the kid has to do it to pick the features he or she wants and the site will generate a custom virus (also called a script) that can be used for nefarious purposes. The youngsters who use these virus generators are called “script-kiddies”. To help the script-kiddy out, the phreaker sites also provide “root-kits”. Root kits are sophisticated software that when aimed at to a site, will penetrate the site and then replace all the software on the site with software that makes the presence of the virus on the system invisible. For example, all the files containing the virus will become invisible, as the program that displays files, is replaced by a new program that displays all files other than virus files. Very well thought out, very neat and pretty dangerous in the hands of stupid script kiddies.

The attacks on the Internet are made possible by an ancient design error. The Internet was not designed to be a large public network. It was designed to be a closed network used by trustworthy people inside the US military and universities. Today the vulnerabilities are causing heartburn for all those who depend on the network. The hackers are running amok, and the fear of legal action is not enough of a deterrence (the challenge is to cause harm and not get caught). The solution? Who knows?

Partha Dasgupta is on the faculty of the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Arizona State University in Tempe. His specializations are in the areas of Operating Systems, Cryptography and Networking. His homepage is at http://cactus.eas.asu.edu/partha.

created by Partha Dasgupta



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